Network Smartly with
Endless Possibilities

CARDRETE is a unique and first of its kind Business Cards Social Network mobile app that uses the cloud to manage your business cards exchange and storage. With business flow integrated in its DNA as well as planned integration with top ranked ERP, CRM, Project Management…etc., platforms. CARDRETE is NOT just another “digital card app”, it is tailored for the business.

Control Your Connections With

A few taps


The Business Cards Social Network

As stated earlier, CARDRETE is not just a digital business card mobile application. It is a smart, digital, and natural way of exchanging, sharing business cards, and managing your connections just like social networks do. While keeping your corporate identity and business card design. 

The current digital business card applications are focused on digitizing paper-based business cards and saving the data locally or in the cloud for later use but don’t provide social networking with privacy protection.

Some of the unique features CARDRETE provides:

  • Eliminate the need for printed business cards.
  • Reflect live card details changes.
  • Keep your business connections if one member of the team leaves, taking the connections this member was managing away.
  • Provide unlimited support for translations.
  • Support mobile-less business cards exchange.
  • Reduce the ability of fraud caused by people pretending to represent businesses while they don’t really belong to.

Update Your Card

Any update in your business card details will reflect to all the people who have your card.

Track Your Team

If you are using groups, a group manager can see the cards received by each member in his team.


Add as many translations as you like, and you can have different contact details for each language.

Share Your Cards

You can share cards you've received (subject to privacy) with other people in your network.

Business Card Scanner

No problems if you face traditional business cards. Scan them via the built-in cards scanner.

Searchable Database

Both your received cards and all other cards are available for searching. Find and add your contacts.

These features are just few among others that makes CARDRETE unique and has no equivalent in the market as well as, paving the road to the world’s future standard for digital business cards.